Friday, February 6, 2015

{Review} Three Simple Rules

Three Simple Rules (Blindfold Club, #1)Three Simple Rules by Nikki Sloane
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Nikki is now on my one-click author list. This list is short and to be on it is a blessed honor. What it means to me, is that I will one click the hell out of her books and will not need to read a synopsis, or that pesky sample that is just a book slutty tease of which I craving to have.

Now that you know how I feel about Nikki and her wick ways of writing, I have to tell you that Three Simple Rules, is my number book of 2015. Now I have authors that I had let’s say pre-forecasted that they would be on this list. But Nikki is like the Cinderella team in college basketball. She came out of nowhere and just kicked my book ass with her SWEET AWESOMENESS.

This book is simple, girl love her job, makes a mistake and is afraid she will lose it. She has to come up with some money to cover her ass, becomes a human sex doll (my words) for one night by being sold to the highest bidder. When sold, her “Sir” gives her Three Simple Rules to follow while they engage in their dirty sexy sex. It sounds simple but throughout the book you see it is a consistent struggle.

Question that follows is: What do you do when your one night is up (as a human sex doll (again my words)) and you want more sex from your “Sir”. Such a dilemma!

I loved all the characters. They were perfect. The rules were awesome and difficult to follow at times. The men (Logan and Blake) in the book were sweet, then arseholes, and finally horny. They wanted their way and did anything to get it. Evelyn is a hot commodity for the men around her and she has no idea.

This is not a geek to beauty queen. Evelyn is gorgeous already; she just doesn’t use her womanly wiles like she should.

I think that Logan is simply fabulous. I like that he is a very matter-a-fact person, who needs order and is very straightforward and alpha. Nikki's twist on the alpha male and BDSM is something fresh and innovative. I love that the men were not billionaires or a millionaire, they literally are the guy in the office next door to you and the friend you get a beer with after work. Its refreshing.

Nikki did a great job and I hope she has many more books in this series.

Happy Reading!

View all my reviews

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